Feature on Halen Mon

I met Jess while I was volunteering at the 2019 Do Lectures in Wales. Jess is awesome and, as we hit it off, we realised we’d met before - while I was working as ‘Visual Storyteller’ for the digital-content production company Pixillion. My boss, Remco Merbis, and I were making a series of films about celebrity chefs for the Soil Association’s ‘Organic September’ campaign. One of the chefs was Anna Jones. Jess was working for Anna.

The poem was written while I was in California struggling with homesickness. Last week, after being prompted by another volunteer, I shared it with the Do Whatsapp group, which is one of the most lovely, supportive networks I’ve ever had access to. Jess asked to share the poem on Halen Mon blog.

It’s an honour, so I’m sharing it here too.

Every time I see the sea,

I am taken back to all the times

I saw the sea before.


The deep blue

Soothes, washes away

Petty thought


Releases, purifies, cleans

Never refuses to hold

or baptize me,


a reminder

to         let




to place trust

in things

That cannot be fully known


I see,


I float,


That all        spaces









Deep, dark and free

Slippery boundaries

that                separate




