The Mask of Aribella wins the Quality Fiction Award at the North Somerset Teachers' Book Awards

I’m beyond thrilled to announce that my debut children’s novel ‘The Mask of Aribella’ won the Quality Fiction award on Saturday. It was so unexpected, given the strength of the other books in the category.

Quality Fiction:


The Girl Who Stole an Elephant Nizrana Farook (Nosy Crow)

The Ice Bear Miracle Cerrie Burnell (OUP)

The Highland Falcon Thief M G Leonard, Steve Sedgman and Elisa Paganelli (Macmillan)

The Mask of Aribella Anna Hoghton (Chicken House)

The Strangeworld’s Travel Agency L D Lapinski (Orion)

44 Tiny Secrets Sylvia Bishop and Ashley King (Little Tiger)


I’m utterly delighted and haven’t stopped smiling since. For anyone who doesn’t know about NSTBA, they have the cutest awards ceremony too, including dogs and some fantastic young announcers.